The first month of 2022 has passed and we prepared the first update of February with confidence and good news backed by the development of features and future releases. February should be the first month when Sustainable Projects will be revealed and ready to run, along with a bunch of surprises for our present and future business partners within the RED Franchises.
- The Integration of External Sustainable Projects with RED Platform completed the Testnet Phase and some adjustments are being made these days. You can have a look at the beta version already available in our app. The deadline for this feature with full implementation is the last week of February.
- RED Carbon Standard, is the newest addition to our line of business in sustainability solutions, in response to an important need in the market. We expect this feature to be finalized in the middle of summer, with more information coming along in the following updates. This feature will be used by Franchisees in their work to attract and integrate Sustainable Projects.
- Why the RED Standard? In a few words: speed, much lower fees, much-reduced paperwork and bureaucracy, while offering the opportunity to all project developers to obtain tokenized carbon credits.
- Benefits for RED Ecosystem:
- more incomes for the platform
- more clients for franchisees
- more MWAT is needed for usings as fees and for staking rights.
- Benefits for RED Ecosystem:
- Carbon Footprint Calculator for companies: our estimation is for the calculator to be ready at the end of March. The calculator is being delivered in parallel with another set of feature developments that are complementary to the project.
Other Project Features
We have investors interested in our project that desire to invest and we are in close discussions with them. The STO will continue forward and we will announce any new change that will come up along the way.
Whitepaper V2 is progressing, being in concordance with authorities rules makes our flow more complicated. We estimate July to see this very important task finalized.
Solar Projects
- We are working closely with our sales team to offer REO-G to the clients who benefit from solar panel projects from Restart Energy. REO-G will be an added value to the overall benefits of the project itself.
- We are also preparing our solar projects to be listed on the platform in order to grow the liquidity on REO-G tokens and tokenized carbon credits.
- A brand new solar project concept is being developed to be listed on the platform that will open a completely new window of opportunity for energy consumers, producers and traders. We’ll soon reveal more!
Franchising Terms of Business are strictly related to Whitepaper V2, External Projects Integration and Carbon Footprint Calculator for Companies, but we have another good news to announce in the next period, with big positive implications on Franchisee’s revenues, flexibility and importance. This is the result of the feedback received from you and because we think you had a fair point of view some nice changes will take place. The result should be a demand increase for Franchises on the RED Platform in the first months after the features are enabled.
Some Franchises for the European side are already set and a few are preparing to take their role as soon as all details are defined, so this is a normal consequence of the previous tasks. March and April should be the first period of Franchisee’s enrolling and platform discovery for them. What is happening when the Franchises roles are defined: once they are onboarded, their first activities will consist in running an active role as:
- validators
- bringing sustainable projects, both, already certified, or ready to be standardized by RED
- activating companies for offsetting their carbon footprint
- selling energy as soon the suppliers join
USA & Canada Users
USA and Canada citizens’ onboarding has been delayed more than we were hoping for, but we are constantly looking into solutions. We consider North America a very important market, so we are treating this matter with our highest attention, especially because we already have a big partner there.
New Features
Along with the implementation of new Sustainable projects, the dev team has begun preparing the wallet on the platform for the new additions. You can look them up in your account!
- The RED Wallet. Below is a comparison of the previous and present versions. You can now see the whole portfolio at a single glance, much better for organizing and evaluating your assets.
- The RED Exchange upgrade is analyzed and scheduled. More information about this topic will be offered in future updates.
- Energy Producers options on the platform are enhancing: from Power Purchase Agreements to processes flow and relation with Franchisees and RED Team. The process is in development and we are confident to have visible results by the end of March.
The Marketing department is growing:
- The team has expanded by now with 3 more members and we are working to define the channels of communication, the roles of each member and the flow of the internal processes for a bigger group.
- We started to look for closing some deals with Youtube and Twitter influencers.
- Media content is starting to be prepared.
- Relevant publications – online and traditional are researched to identify the best for us to be promoted.
Status for Q1 Up to Date 
The next update will be on Monday, 28th of February.
For any questions, please fill out the form with suggestions here.
We will also answer twice a month or weekly if there are many things to discuss.
Useful links:
You can see the previous update here: