Terms & Policies
DESCRIPTION When claiming GTK, the data needs to be identical with the one on the invoice you are uploading. The period of time for which you are requesting GTK needs to match the invoice period for which you are making the claim. Your personal information from the invoice will be hidden from the validator who…


When claiming GTK, the data needs to be identical with the one on the invoice you are uploading. The period of time for which you are requesting GTK needs to match the invoice period for which you are making the claim.

Your personal information from the invoice will be hidden from the validator who will process your claim by the OCR module on the RED platform.

You can only claim GTK based on an invoice issued in your own name. The OCR module will check the name of the RED account and the name on the invoice and will not let you go further with the claim if they do not match.


Green Energy Consumers


GTK Validation Scheme 


1.    Find your electricity invoice (PDF or paper) and check that:

  • It has your name on it
  • The start date of consumption is in the last 12 months
  • You can find your electricity consumption in kWh

2.    To create a GTK Claim, go to the ‘My GTK Claims’ tab and then click the ‘New Claim’ button in the top right-hand corner.

3.    Input the city where the claim is based. For example: you live in London, but you have a Claim for a holiday house in Bristol. You would put Bristol in this GTK claim form.

4.    Input the start and end dates for your claim. These can be found on your invoice and must match it exactly.

5.    Calculate the amount of GTK you can claim by:

  • Clicking the link ‘Calculate the number of GTK you can claim’. This link can be found above the ‘Claimed Amount’ box.
  • Then input your country, electricity supplier, tariff, and consumption in kWh into the page and click “Calculate”.

6.    Ensure that you have staked enough MWAT to be able to hold the quantity of GTK you are claiming: you need to stake 1MWAT for each 1 GTK you are claiming.

7.    Input the calculated amount of GTK Claimed into the box labelled ‘Claimed Amount’.

8.    Input the maximum fee in MWAT you are willing to pay. Suggested values can be calculated by clicking the Calculate button.

9.    Upload your PDF invoice into a box labelled ‘Document’. If you do not have a PDF of your Invoice then you can take pictures of it with your phone instead. Please photograph all pages of your invoice.

10.    All personal information from your invoice will be hidden by our OCR module. Validators will not be able to see any personal information.

11.    Click ‘Claim GTK’.

12.    You will see your claim in your My GTK Claims page. It will be marked as Pending. You will be alerted of any updates to your claim. Please note, a rejected claim cannot be appealed. The Validator may ask for more information. If they do, upload it to one of the other ‘Document’ boxes.